268 855 +

people received help

8 700 +

processed appeals, feedback, suggestions

20 +

implemented projects

Statistics by regions

The number of unique beneficiaries by regions

About us"Avalyst"

Officially, the organization was founded on February 5, 2018, in the Luhansk region.

Since 2014, before the official registration of the organization, an initiative group was formed that volunteered to help people, create favorable conditions for the development and leisure of children, and meet the public interests of local residents.

Project activities

Provision of heating kits

“Avialist” aims to help people maintain their health and comfort in low temperatures.

Hotline for
Psychological Assistance

“Avialist” offers a psychological support hotline service, where anyone can receive support and consultation from professional psychologists.

Humanitarian Response

We provide people with food, medications, and other essential resources.

Provision and Repair of Shelters

“Avallist” is engaged in the provision and repair of shelters for those who have become homeless.

"Availist" continues the implementation
of the "Safe Schools" projects

It is aimed at ensuring the safety of students and staff in educational institutions.

Multi-purpose Cash Assistance

This form of assistance is flexible and effective, as recipients can use the funds for essential needs

Our EventsOur News

Events Held in Different Regions of Ukraine
0 +

Activity began in the hottest spots located 1-20 km from the line of conflict. During the implementation period in each location, psychosocial support was provided, school safety committees were established, physical and psychological risks were minimized, and training was conducted on the programs “Rights and Inclusion,” “HEART,” “Positive Parenting,” and “Life Skills.”

To meet hygiene needs, hygiene products were purchased and distributed to support families with children at high risk and disability, in accordance with WASH cluster recommendations to enhance resilience during the Covid-19 pandemic.